Totals for 2023

It is now 2 weeks until Christmas and Happy Handbag is now closing until the New Year. It’s lovely to see how many donations are pouring in to service providers from so many different organisations at the mo for Christmas, so we are not needed now until the New Year when many donations will stop. Remember, any raffle prizes won and not wanted, or unwanted gifts received, we will be happy to forward on to service providers.

It will soon be January followed by February, often months of cold, hard weather. Coats, hats, scarves, gloves and boots are gratefully received so when you buy in the sales why not go though your wardrobe passing unwanted clothing. Or, if you are feeling generous of spirit, purchase a few bargains for me to pass on. One of the funniest sights in last January sales was me at Clarks Outlet in the Next Outlet shop with 12 bras draped over my arm – all sizes, which I purchased for less than £20. New underwear is always in very short supply for women in crisis. It doesn’t matter what the sizes are – they’ll always fit someone!

Our totals for this year are:
Happy Handbags – 450 – that an average of more than 1 every day!
Happy’s – 268 – remember a Happy ranges from a sack full of clothing to a sleeping bag

2023 Total for 2023718 almost 2 bags of one description or another a day!

Happy Handbags 3126 since the start
Happy’s* 1672 since the start
Grand total to date – 4798

Huge thanks to all who have donated!

Below is a photo of the last delivery made this year – 20 filled handbags for Nelsons Trust new Bristol office.