Reiki Master / Teacher course

Reiki becomes a way of life

Little BuddhaReiki III is called Reiki Master/Teacher where a further Master symbol is taught

At Reiki Master level Reiki becomes an integral part of your life

From Reiki Master, after a time of consolidation, you are able to carry on into the teaching of Reiki

Reiki Master is a minimum of a 1 day intense course plus on-going support/tutoring

It is difficult to define exactly how many additional training sessions are given as it is an on-going process and everyone’s circumstances and requirements vary

From Reiki Master you are able to carry on into the teaching of Reiki after a period of time, with no mandatory additional teaching course
It is usually a minimum of 9 months following the training that most Reiki Masters feel ready to then begin to start thinking about teaching

There is no specific requirement for a separate teaching certificate as my school of Reiki teaches the Reiki Master/Teacher as one
However I do run a general course designed for teaching adults which enhances all Reiki teaching and learning.

Reiki Master Training is very personal.

Reiki Master Teacher training is £595 (£500 for full TRC members)
The Reiki Master Teacher Refresher course is £295 – (£245 for TRC full members)

Reiki Master Teacher Course
4th September 2024

Manor Hall, Coalpit Heath, BS36 2TG

Get in touch for more details