Discovering the power of crystals
If you are interested in becoming a Crystal healing practitioner then it is important to learn about crystals, what they are, what they do and how to manage and care for them. The Introduction to Crystals course covers all this information and is available with distance learning.
This course has exactly the same course contact as the in-person Introduction to Crystals training has and normally I do not run courses without face-to-face teaching, practice and assessment. However this course is suitable (though may be not quite as much fun) for home learning. You will receive all the written course material by email and there is a written questionnaire to be successfully completed before being issued with a certificate.
This course is a requirement if you wanted to do the Crystal Practitioner (healers) course with me – the crystal practitioner’s course and in-person training then gives you the certification needed to obtain PL insurance to then offer treatments to the general public.
You are able to start the course at any time and take as long as you want to do it.
THIS IS NOT AN ON-LINE LEARNING COURSE WITH MULTI CHOICE ANSWERS for you to choose from. This course will develop your individual approach to crystals and what they mean to you. It starts with a face to face Zoom training session.
We are all different – we all have different vibrations. This goes for crystals too. You may well pick up 2 crystals that look exactly the same but one may speak to you and the other may not. We must not get too hung up on – you need this crystal for this and that for that. Yes we are mindful of the traditional ‘meaning’ for each crystal but I tried a little experiment. I did a web search one one particular crystal and I got a number of different interpretations!
When reading a book, or website, you will be reading the writers findings of each crystal. Again I stress we all have our own energies that might react differently to other peoples energies and reactions. Very difficult to explain in hard copy but when you start working with crystals you will start to experience this.
So, back to the course, following the Zoom session, once you have completed, and submitted the questionnaire for marking then, if successful, you will receive a certificate giving evidence of all your hard work. You will then also be eligible to continue to the Crystal Practitioner course, if this is the direction you wanted to take..
Introduction to Crystals – Zoom /distance /home learning course £95
If the crystal kit is required then this can be posted to you with full instructions on how to use the crystals.
This kit will not include any ad-hoc crystals issued during the in-person course.
Course + crystal kit £145
Get in touch for more information or to book.