Happy Handbag contents

Items of personal hygiene included in all handbags donated

For those wishing to donate to Happy Handbag Scheme here are some ideas for those of you who are able to provide contents too:

These contents cost just under £7.50 (in 2017) from Tesco using the majority of their Basic brands. Tesco Quedgeley and Yate have been supporters of Happy Handbag but are, unfortunately, not able to now offer the drop off facility.

Products here are towels, tissues, plasters, toothbrushes, toothpaste, face wipes, soap, lip balm, hair brush, deodorant, 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, hand gel.

Donated handbags containing products will be given in their entirety, maybe with some other items added as we like all bags given to contain toothbrush, tooth paste, body wash and deodorant.

Please note, empty high-end handbags donated may be sold to provide resource to buy products for bags

Happy Bag contents

Laundered clothing; toiletries; boots/shoes; coats; hats. gloves; socks; new underwear; sanitary products; bedding; crockery etc

Happy Bags going to new owners

The whole idea behind Happy Bag is that you donate things that you no longer have a use for – mainly items of clean and tidy clothing, you put them in a bag. That bag comes to us and we take to our outlets, mainly Gloucester Family Haven and Nelson Trust, to give to those in need.

This is all voluntary and no-one benefits with any monetary reward, Happy Handbag is simply the collector of your donation, handing it over for direct use.

The big difference between donating to Happy Handbag/Happy Bag and a regular Charity Shop is that the bag you donate is taken in its entirety and given to a person in need.

Maybe you have other ideas for Happy Bags?

Here are some of ours:

  • Happy Bag – Mother and Baby
  • Essentials for new mum and new-born

Happy Bag – Baby.

Maybe you have had the joy of a new baby but have got to the stage where you no longer need your baby bag.

This would be welcome at Happy Bag, especially if you could pop in some of the items your new baby has already outgrown.

We all know you can never have too many baby grows. Maybe your baby has outgrown their nappy size, they grow so quickly, and you have an odd pack of nappies you could chuck in too? On the label the size of the clothing should be written eg new-born, 1- 6 month etc.

Happy Bag – Child

Again, children grow at an astonishing rate and we all know that second hand clothes are almost given away. Why not give some in our direction? Again this is with clothing in mind but perhaps pop in a children’s book or two?

On the label should be written boy or girl and the age.

Happy Bag – Gentleman

As with the bags above this is a bag with items for gentlemen. I should think that socks, scarf, hat would be welcome.

Again the approximate size to be written on the label.

Happy Bag – Shoes

How about a little bag containing shoes? Again these should be clean and tidy please.

These are just some ideas. You may have some much better ideas.